Q: What got you into creating comics?
A: I've drawn little stick figure cartoons since grade school, and I've always been an avid reader and writer, so I've always had stories that I wanted to see illustrated, especially in comic book form. When I found my brother, an excellent artist, it was serendipitous, to say the least.
Q: Who is your favorite comic book/manga character?
A: This is always a tough one. I used to say Batman, but in later years, Sam Wilson (as Falcon or Captain America) started to emerge.
Q: If you could have one power or ability what would it be?
A: Flight, hands down. One of the things I enjoy about Falcon is the set of wings he uses (shout out to Wakanda). I'd love to whip through the air or soar up high; the freedom, the perspective, the speed... yeah, that's the dream.